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Hi there!

Aspik Curry is my food blog, where I share my passion for cooking and baking.

You will find Franconian dishes on my recipe blog, but also traditional dishes from Sri Lanka and all over the world - a melange of Orient & Occident.

I am currently focusing on vegan alternatives to my often very traditional meat-heavy dishes.

I would like to encourage you to be creative in the kitchen and also once to leave familiar paths. 

Let yourself be inspired and have fun trying them out! 

xx Dipika

Aspik curry | Food blog | Bavaria | world kitchen

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What comes in 2024

• New recipes 


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Who am I?


I'm Dipika Davé and of course cooking is a lifesaver - at least for me.

Half Franconian, half Sri Lankan, I have always eaten between two very different culinary worlds.
This led to a mix of different tastes and sparked my interest in cooking since my early childhood.

Actually, food was and is elementary for me and I reacted almost French insulted to bad cooking.

But this love of food and cooking was not to play a professional role in my life for a long time. After studying fashion & design management, years in the fashion industry and recently even the IT world, I found my way to cooking.

In this foodblog I want to share my passion for cooking and eating, for good products and their producers with you.
I also want to take you on a culinary journey and share my way of cooking.


A few more facts at the end:
I am 41 years old, mother of a daughter (11) and a son (9) and live with my husband and kids in beautiful Nuremberg.

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! An ode to the richness of colour.

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