Enoteca Italiana - my wine supplier

"Viticulture is a work of peace.
It needs and develops the good forces of man" (Goethe)
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What distinguishes 'vini naturali' from 'normal' organic wine? For me, it is the renunciation of all interventions that are used to steer the wine taste in a predetermined direction. That means: pure culture yeasts, flavor enzymes, cryo-maceration (a process to give red wines superficially more fruit), sharp clarification of the must. All this is not 'devil's stuff' and - because it is not chemical - is rightly permitted in organic viticulture. The 'Vini naturali' producers go one step further by renouncing these methods. They also try to reduce the addition of sulfur, which is already limited in organic wine, as much as possible or do without it altogether.
This type of winemaking usually requires more work as well as more time and is therefore comparatively expensive. Wines in the discount price segment should not be expected. However, you do not have to spend a fortune for these very special wines. For just under 10 euros, you can get an insight into the world of 'Vini naturali'. A - in my opinion - more than reasonable price for a high-quality, organically produced luxury food.
Roland Brunner (Founder of Enoteca Italiana)